Pack It Up, Pack It In! Flow Kit Packing Party

  • 02/22/2024
  • 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM
  • St. Louis Diaper Bank, 6141 Etzel Ave, St. Louis, MO 63133

Let's party together AND help create flow kits! LBB Creve Couer/ Olivette chapter is teaming up with The St. Louis Diaper Bank to help counting, sorting, and wrapping/packing/labeling period kits to get them ready to go out to their community partners. We will have refreshments and drinks to socialize and network with other professionals while unboxing period items, pack items together with love notes, and wrap them together to ensure cleanliness during distribution. We hope you will take this time to commune with one another AND help a great cause!

The St. Louis Diaper Bank exists to help strengthen low-income families in the St. Louis region by ensuring access to an adequate supply of diapers and period supplies and by raising awareness about the causes and consequences of the need in our community.